Farewell to Mr. Morsheduzzaman Sumon, Deputy Managing Director, FinSource Limited

FinSource Ltd. arranged a farewell ceremony on 5th May, 2022 in honor of Mr. Morsheduzzaman Sumon, Deputy Managing Director of the company. The respected person is going to leave the country along with his family to settle abroad and work directly with our parent company. In order to memorize the day at the heart of the company’s history, FinSource Ltd. organized a farewell program that was fully contained with the revelation of his priceless contribution to the tremendous and drastic success of the company. During the program, his valuable speech made all the employees, including himself, burst into tears.

In short, it seems one of the hardest tasks to describe Mr. Morsheduzzaman Sumon in words or several affirmative adjectives. He shaped the company with his leadership into what it is today. He is the central part of the organization since its inception. He holds 15 years of experience in the 401(k) Retirement Plan Industry serving in a variety of leadership roles in operations, record-keeping, conversion, and client services in the retirement plan industry. The employees of the company must have to utter tons of gratitude to describe their personality, etiquette, and dream to fly in the sky without limit to ensure success - not only for himself but also for us. Due to his fabulous personality and precious contribution, FinSource Ltd. is obliged to wish him and his family all the best on their new path of life abroad. Each of the members of the company also expects his continuous support and association with them as a mentor, supervisor, and sharer of happiness and sorrows.


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